Padel X
Padel X Coaching.


We all need a little help here and there – and we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for it! Having a great coach in your corner can do wonders to accelerate your learning, to improve your motivation, and to make padel (and life) more enjoyable overall.

Whether you would like to set-up some 1 on 1 coaching, to join in on a small group training, or take part in a padel-course, we can help you out! To get started, check your local Padel X -center page to see who are your local superstar coaches, and to find out what courses are available in the calendar.

Oh, and dont hesitate to reach out to your local Padel X -center for more questions & info.

TIP: Coaching is a two-way street. What might work for your friend, might not work for you. Take the time to get to know a few different coaches to find the right one for you.

TIP: While we strongly recommend coaching, you can still learn a lot by yourself! Take some time and browse Youtube for padel-tutorials. We recommend The Padel School as a starting place.